One month

13 maart 2015 - National Park, Nieuw-Zeeland

Can you believe it? One month ago I flew from Amsterdam, Holland to Auckland, New Zealand. I left the 11th of February and arrived the 13th. In NZ it is 12 hours later. Today it's the 13th. I'm here for exactly one month. For one month I didn't see my family and friends.

No, I didn't decided to go back. I didn't get caught by the culture shock (yet). I'm still living on a big pink cloud. Living my dream! Yes, between the brown toilet paper, green sported pillows and wet dirty rags with black curly hairs.... I love my job!

I miss you folks a lot and I can't believe it's already one month. The people I speak tell me it feels like years for them, but for me... It feels like I just arrived here in NZ. One month gone, eleven months left. I imagine what it will be like when I get back. What adventures I've had. What I'm going to tell you. What you'll tell me. I'm exited about what is going to happen in these eleven months.

I'll keep you posted. Let's talk about the weather. It's nice weather. Blue, but some white clouds. 24 degrees and a lot of cricket sounds today. We don't have a lot birds, I think that's because of the active volcanoes.

Tomorrow I'm housekeeping again. We keep everything clean, so the guests can take a well deserved rest after the crossing.

Miss you folks!

2 Reacties

  1. Eric:
    13 maart 2015
    Kicken lies, blijven genieten en schrijven.
  2. Carolien:
    13 maart 2015
    Ook hier een blauwe lucht, iets kouder......En aangezien mijn grote hulp vandaag niet komt ben ik ook aan de huishoudelijke klusjes. niet mijn grote hobby. Dus Lisa doe veel ervaring op, kun je me later helpen.
    Flauw grapje, geniet maar van je avontuur.

    XXX je oma