Life In Picton

13 oktober 2015 - Picton, Nieuw-Zeeland

It has been a while since I wrote, so let's get it started. There have been a few things I have to tell you folks. Some crazy things, some sad things... You know what I'm talking about: Me in New Zealand...

* Mickeys' bar
There are days in the Atlantis backpackers in Picton when you just need to have a little fun. And fun we had! Two weeks ago my French colleague Camille was planning to leave after staying for about 8 months in Picton! So she, Tanya and I had this great idea to go out on Friday night! Unfortunately for us Camille had dinner with our boss, so Tanya and I waited for her in the Atlantis. So boring. Doing nothing. Just joking! Tanya and I had a great time! We had some wine, a little more wine, another bottle... Eventually we decided to go to Mickeys' bar and drink more wine there. After a while Camille joined us and she bought me Smirnoff Ice. Yeah right. After all the Sauvignon Blanc she thought it was a good idea to give me vodka. Best idea ever! I'll spare you the details :P Let's just say that I crawled back to the Atlantis and had a lovely hangover the day after!

* All good good
Life in Picton is good. Every time I walk into the office of the motel Kent (one of my bosses) asks me how things are going. Things are always... Fine. Good. Alright. Ok. After my answer Kent says "all good good?" And I repeat: "all good good" :)

*Warrick died for me
I'm living in a dorm with 28 beds. That's right. Twenty eight beds! Fortunately I have the best bed in a little corner. When I moved into the big dorm I had another bed and 61 years old Warwick had the little corner for himself. When Warwick moved into another room I moved to the little corner. No one knows why, but the manager Shaun decided that Warwick had to move back to the big dorm. So good old Warwick with his pepper and salt beard, his marihuana tattoo and his bad knees had to move back.
A few weeks ago Warwick and I were sitting in the lounge and the time was 1917 or 1790 ;) I don't really remember. But I looked the year up on google, to see if something interesting had happened. I translated it from Dutch to English and then there was the word "flood". When I type it I know how to pronounce it, but when you translate it from Dutch (vloed) it's quite difficult. So I said it like the word "fluit". Since that day Warwick and I keep talking about the flood but saying it in my way. A lot of people have asked us what it means, but to be honest we haven't got a clue and we're waiting for a person to tell us what it means.
Last week Warwick and I were sitting outside in the sun, I had my sunglasses on and a cold drink in my hand when we were talking about skydiving, paragliding, abseiling etc. He told me how dangerous all these things are. I shrugged my shoulders and told him: "you see that streetlight? It can fall any time and if it falls and lands on my head I'll be dead." I was trying to tell him that you never know when or how you'll die. You can die from the most stupidest things that aren't even dangerous! Warwick frowned and shook his head. "no," he said, "you're too young to die. I will jump in front of you and safe your life. Than you can tell the world: Warwick died for me"! Fortunately the streetlight didn't fall and Warwick didn't die.

* I'm looking for people who are interested in boarding
After the French Camille left the motel my bosses have been looking for some new housekeeping staff. One day I met a new colleague: Paula. In our break Paula asked Verena and me if we knew anyone who would like to stay with her and her dog in her house. Verena would tell her hostel and I would tell mine.

*Nothing else matters
Jutta, a nice German girl I met in the Atlantis, and I decided to go out last Friday. And so we did. After drinking some beers, playing "who am I?" and pool (yes, I've learned pool!!!) we went to Mickeys' bar where I saw Marlene, a Maori lady who is staying in one of the flats of the backpackers. Marlene, Jutta and I danced all night long and sang "nothing else matters" from Metallica. Afterwards we went to her flat where we drank some more beer and listened to Michael Jackson. It was a crazy night and I was pretty tired the next morning.

* take a look at the house
It was last weekend when I was working with Verena and Paula and I told Paula about the dorm with 28 beds I'm staying at. After having a long conversation she offered me an amazing deal! She asked me if I would like to live in her house. If I'd like I could take a look at her house after work and so I did. It's a cute little house with three bedrooms, a kitchen, bathroom, lounge and porch. I told her I paid for this wednesday in my hostel, so she said I could move in on Wednesday if I'd like and of course I'd love that!!!

* you're the one who got her head screwed on
Last night Jutta, a kiwi girl and a Maori guy were watching movies in the tv room. In our break (someone had to pee, the other needed some beers and popcorn and another needed to smoke) I stood outside with the Maori guy and there we saw the manager. He told me he is working here for over four years now and he has seen a lot of people. He always talks a lot to people, but not really to me. Yes, we did go to Blenheim together but we don't really have a connection, ya know what I mean? So he said he and I didn't talk much but of all the people he has seen in the Atlantis he thought I was the one who got the head screwed on. No one else was as honest, clear and herself as me. That was a huge compliment!

* I didn't expect that side of you
Some people don't know me. But when they take the time to get to know me they're surprised. Some even say they didn't expect that side of me. So folks, don't judge before you really know someone and I don't say this person, who made this statement knows me that good. But he knows that there is more than just the shell.

That's it for now. Tomorrow I'll move in with Paula!!!!


2 Reacties

  1. Corine:
    13 oktober 2015
    Wat fijn om weer wat van je te lezen!!
    Je hebt je stekje daar wel gevonden volgens mij en ik hoop dat je het heel fijn zult hebben bij Paula! Wel wat anders dan met z'n allen in 1 ruimte ook al ziet het daar wel kunstzinnig en gezellig uit!
    xxxxxxxx mama
  2. Carolien:
    13 oktober 2015
    Heerlijk weer een verhaal van jou. Maar hoe weet Corine dat het er kunstzinnig en gezellig uitziet? Wil ik weten.....
    Geniet maar weer volop van je nieuwe onderkomen en de mensen om je heen. Ik kijk uit naar je volgende verhaal.
    Liefs en kus van je omaatje