Still Here

12 december 2015 - Picton, Nieuw-Zeeland

Lately I've been too busy to write. Lame excuse of course. It was my sweet grandmother who told me to write again and of course, I always listen to my granny.

For the people who don't know: I'm still in Picton. The last time I wrote on my blog I told you folks about my co-worker Paula who I was going to live with and I did and I still am living with the wonderful Paula! Let me take you to our lovely little house.....
Climb the big blue bridge and walk through the marina where all the luxurious boats are, take a look at the water because if you're lucky you'll see the local stingray. Look around you, look up to the big green mountains and to the small white and brown ducks. After five more minutes you'll see me standing outside the door of a small house, let me welcome you into our home. Don't be afraid of Suki, the dog, who is absolutely harmless. Paula is a fantastic flat mate whose always in for a laugh or talk. In the mornings she'll wake you up with her music, that's the only thing you might not like but if you live here as long as me, you'll get over it. People have been asking me about Paula her other boarder. Who is he? What's he doing? Is he nice? Is he your boyfriend? Before I can tell you folks about Irie, I have to take you back to the Atlantis backpackers, about two months ago... The French Camille, the hardworking Tanya and Marlane, the Maori lady were sitting at the back of the Atlantis when Marlane told us about her son who was coming from Christchurch to live her. She told us we had to watch out, because (according to Marlane) her son is a charming talker and if we would meet him we would madly fall in love with him. I laughed at her. The people who know me know I'm not really a girl who falls in love. And me and love and relationships... Well, we all know that's just not right. It's like water and fire. North and south. Not really a match.
A few days later Camille and I were in the lounge chatting about our age (we're both 19). Meanwhile a Maori guy with dreadlocks and another (unimportant) guy were playing pool. The Maori guy must have heard us talking because he decided to join OUR conversation by saying that 19 was very young. I gave him "the look" (a look that says: Stay the f* out of the conversation) and ignored him. The same evening Tanya told us that this meddler was actually Marlane her son. Another few days later we said our goodbyes to Camille and then there was a new girl: the German Jutta. To make a long story short; Jutta and I went to Mickeys' bar where we caught up with Marlane, afterwards we went to her flat and in her flat we saw her son again, who introduced himself as Irie. That night I realized he wasn't as bad as I thought he was ;-) but oh well... The following evenings Jutta, Irie and I were watching movies in the movie room till the day I moved out to live with Paula. A few days after I moved I got a message from Irie asking me if we could hang out that day and so we did. Since that day we've been friends and to make another long story short; we are a couple now!
Three weeks ago mister Loud and Proud moved in with Paula and me and for a week everything was fine. It was a Tuesday evening and I was home alone. It was half past five, Paula was doing groceries and Irie would be home any minute. My phone rang and when I picked up it was my boss. She told me my boyfriend was rushed to the hospital and I had to contact his mother. For an hour I sat in fear, not knowing what was going on, if Irie was alright or... Then Marlane rang me back and I got to speak to Irie on the phone. He told me a machine fell on his back during work, he couldn't move or feel his legs and he had to stay in the hospital for the night. That night I slept in his moms house so we could go to the hospital the next morning. To see Irie in that bed with his neck brace, not able to move... It was terrible. We had to wait till he could go for a MRI scan, after that we had to wait two more hours for the results. The doctors told us he is very lucky and finally he could go home. Irie is home now, his back still hurts a lot and he's not allowed to move too much.
If I think about it, it's quite funny. Not about Irie his accident, no of course that's not funny. I mean the way things work out. I'm always saying I don't want/ need love and especially a relationship. But the funny thing is, when you're not looking for love, love seems to come looking for you and it will find you.
There is so much more to tell you, about my fishing trips, the gossip, the people I've met... I guess I'll save these stories to tell you another day.

Lots of love and I miss all of you!


3 Reacties

  1. Corine:
    12 december 2015
    Heerlijk om weer eens een verhaal van je te lezen!
    Xxx mama
  2. Carolien:
    12 december 2015
    Dankjewel lief, fijn om weer wat van je te lezen.
    Groet Irie van mij.
    xxx je oma
  3. Corine meijer:
    13 december 2015
    mooi verhaal weer lisa! en hoop dat het weer wat beter gaat met Irie!