A Dream Came True

7 februari 2016 - Taipei, Taiwan

It's time to go home...

After one year - one beautiful, awesome, sweet, amazing year - I have to leave the land of the long white cloud/ The land of my dreams. The land of hobbits, elfs and dragons. The land of waterfalls, mountains, whales and kiwis. The land I called home for one year and the place that will always have a special place in my heart. 

It all started one year ago; the time was finally there and with the help of my family and friends (especially my mom and Eric) I was able to make my dream come true. For one whole year I would travel to the other side of the world: New Zealand. I knew it was gonna be rough, all alone in a new country, but I also knew I would meet people, make friends and see and do amazing stuff. It would be the time of my life and now, when the year is over I can say it was the time of my life for sure. 

If I think about all the amazing things I've done and seen. From working in hotels, backpacking through the country, black water rafting, whale watching, a helicopter flight... I have a lot of pics to show you folks and a lot of stories to tell. Going back home gives a double feeling. I'm very exited to see my family and friends again, but leaving NZ behind, with all the people I've met, it really makes me sad. 

Let's tell you about my last month in NZ; the last time I wrote was when I was still in Picton, but as most of you know I left Picton and Irie, his two younger brothers and I took the ferry and bus all the way to Whangarei, a place up north on the north island. There we stayed with Aaron and I can't thank Aaron enough for everything he has done for us! In Whangarei things started to get real as I only had one month left in NZ. I wanted to bring a piece of NZ with me!

No. No. Just joking.

Well, in a way... Irie and I had been talking about it for a while and he was begging and begging me to take him with me. 

Ok. Ok. I also wanted him to come with me :-) 

And after getting his passport, we got him a ticket, changed my flight and here we are... In Taipei (Taiwan). We have to wait for 17 hours here and we're both extremely tired. So Holland, beware! Cause I'm taking a piece of NZ with me!!!! 

Thanks to everyone who made my year a bit more special and thanks to everyone who made my dream come true. And yes New Zealand, I'll be back as soon as you'll let me! LOL

Guess what! I think I just lost my boyfriend. He was playing a game, but he's gone!!! Guess I have to start looking for him now. 

Lots of love from both of us (if I can find him, otherwise I have to leave him behind)

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