
15 juni 2015 - National Park, Nieuw-Zeeland

Life... It's a funny thing and you can have great conversations about it. What people think is the meaning of life and what they want to accomplish in it. Some say life is what you make of it, others say everyone has his own destiny. If you take a look on the internet you will find lots of life quotes, some are nice; others a little exaggerated if you ask me.

My life has been a great experience so far, I've learned a lot from the people around me.
Life here in National Park Village is... very cold at the moment ;-) since I'm in NZ I've been thinking about life and myself, no this is not about finally seeing the light, because it's actually quite dark in my bedroom.

But let's go back to these quotes... Life is like... a rollercoaster, it has ups and downs, just enjoy the ride. Yeah, I kinda like this one, my life really has some ups and downs and I'm definitely enjoying the ride, especially now!
Life isn't about finding yourself, it's about creating yourself. About this one, I've been talking about finding myself here in NZ and I've been learning about myself lately. And about creating, I also believe you should create the person you want to be, don't be a "white sheep", dare to be different! That brings me to another quote: be yourself, because an original is so much more worth than a copy. I'm not one of the others, otherwise I would be in collage now, studying something, having late night shots at the bar and a handsome boyfriend at my side. No offence to the people who are doing this, I'm sure this is what you folks want ;-) but it's not me. I'm not the the kind of girl that follows the others, I'm one of my own kind and I'm proud of that!
Life is an adventure. Yes, it really is! Look at where I am now! I was dreaming about this for ages and now I'm finally here. Still don't have a clue where this road will lead me to, but that's the fun part, right? What's a life without any adventures!
Life is love. Love is such a strange and crazy thing. And it's not necessary to explain, I think we all have some experiences with love. And if you haven't, I guess you haven't lived yet...!
Life is a tragedy. Oh, the pain, the torture, the love, the hate, the tears, the scars, the break-ups... Should I go on?
Life is a struggle, fight it. You should definitely fight for your life, your dreams. I made my dream come true, but without the help for Eric and my mom I wouldn't have made it. I have been struggling with myself and I see others struggle each and every day, but I guess that's a part of life.
Last but not least: some random advice from a tree
1. Stand tall and proud
2. Go out on a limb
3. Remember your roots
4. Drink plenty of water (something I forget sometimes)
5. Be content with your natural beauty
6. Enjoy the view

Yes, I know: life lessons of a nineteen year old (if you consider this as life lessons). No mind blowing facts. And no great travel story. I know: crazy Lisa has spoken. I didn't just write this for you or for fun, I also wrote this to remind myself how precious (stay in the Lord of the Rings- Style) life actually is, because sometimes we forget this. We take life for granted, without thinking...

To give you something else to know about: life is good here in NZ. I'm still Cinderella and living in a fairytale. Lately I've been trying to come up with a plan to continue my journey elsewhere. I saved some money, the only question is: where will the road take me? I guess life will take it's course.

Oh no! I almost forgot the amazing quote from my aunty Elke!!! As most of you know, I lived in the basement (!) of my aunt, uncle and nephew last year. During this period my aunt taught me an important life lesson. "Life is like an APPELFLAP". For the non Dutchies among us: an appelflap is a mixture of small apple pieces, cinnamon, sugar and raisins stuffed in pastry, if you don't know it: You should definitely try it once in your life! So an appelflap is sort of an apple pie, to make it a little easier you can say: "life is like an apple pie". What is means? Well, it means a lot of things and you are smart enough to figure it out by yourself.

That's it for now, folks!

Ps. I would love to know what you think my aunt her life quote means! And if you have any of yourself, please share it with me!!!

2 Reacties

  1. Katja:
    17 juni 2015
    Mooi geschreven! Fijn om te lezen dat het lukt, jezelf te vinden! Goede reis en ben benieuwd naar je volgende reisverhalen!!
  2. Carolien:
    18 juni 2015
    Ik vond het fijn weer wat van je te kunnen lezen.
    Denk veel aan je! Moedig meiske.
    Liefs van je oma