
26 mei 2015 - National Park, Nieuw-Zeeland

"Do you know Lisa?"
"Lisa from the kitchen?"
"No, the other Lisa. The one with the red hair? Did you hear about the story of her trying to kill someone?"
"What? OMG! Tell me!!!"

Yeah, there is a roomer going on in the Park. Remember that time old colleague Casey and I went to the waterfall? It was such a quiet place and there was nobody there. So you know me, I made a comment about it. In a different context.... "This would be the perfect place to murder someone and just dump the body here. No one would know..." Casey stared at me and it was then I found out what he was thinking. I explained I had no intention to kill him and leave him at that place, I guess he misunderstood me :-( after my explanation Casey giggled: "if you killed me and left me here, my girlfriend Steph will ask you where I am. She will come look for me." To make the whole situation more awkward I answered: "Yeah, but I can tell her I lost you during the walk, or you fall of the hill and broke your leg or you just broke your neck.... They'll never find you...."
But anyway.... Casey thought it was a nice story to tell everyone, but I didn't know he would actually tell EVERYONE!
Last night it was Lauren her last night here in National Park so we had a Magnum Ice cream, she had Almond and I had Espresso: a new flavor! I love Magnums so I had to try this one, it was lovely! We ate it while we watched "The Walking Dead" after she put her cute red Wisconsin pajama pants on I convinced her to go check something. After she saw I was right (hahaha, I'm always right) we sat on our uncomfortable outdoor couches and suddenly Lauren remembered something she forgot to ask me before. It was about that day I went to the waterfall with Casey and the statement I made. Lauren told me everyone of the hotel staff knew about the story that I was planning on murdering Casey but I eventually didn't do it because I was afraid his girlfriend would start asking questions. Whaaaaaat?????? In their eyes I'm a serial killer now! Now nice, I've always wanted others to see the real me and her I am: National Parks first and only serial killer. Do you want to come to the waterfall with me?

Today my roommate left me after these two months.... We had some hard times together, but also shared a lot of laughter and stories. She is a good girl (for an American, you know how they are) and she left me some hot chocolate, chips, garlic butter, "cow tales" and a few other things. I hope we can stay in touch. After work I found her note on my bed and according to her I cried into a bucket of ice cream :-D you wish! But it was very very sweet and I wasn't expecting that. I'll miss her, that's the only thing I'll admit. (See photo for her kind words).

That's it for now. Now the room is a lot emptier. Little more boring. Lauren brought some noise (you know how they are: Americans) to the room ;-)

I'll keep you posted

4 Reacties

  1. Corine:
    26 mei 2015
    Wat zal het stil zijn nu! Lekker rustig maar aan de andere kant wat saai misschien ;-p
    Jy een seriemoordenaar, hahaha....
    Xxxxxxxx mama
  2. Carolien:
    26 mei 2015
    Je zit nu in je eigen boek Lisa. Het begint erg op je verhalen te lijken. Fantasie kan voor sommigen dus werkelijkheid lijken.
    Je hebt nu misschien tijd om aan je volgende boek te werken. Rara wat wordt de titel?
    XXXXXXX je oma
  3. Corine meijer:
    26 mei 2015
    whahaha! geweldig verhaal! herkenbaar; ik heb ook wel eens geroepen - varend in een bootje door de wieden - dat je daar perfect een lijk kon verstoppen. werd ineens heel stil in dat bootje... te grote fantasie denk ik... en het ook gewoon roepen he haha ;-)
  4. Bert Hilhorst:
    1 juni 2015
    Leuk om jouw ervaringen in één van de mooiste landen van de wereld te lezen Lisa. Goed dat je het zo naar je zin hebt en tegelijkertijd lekker kan sparen voor de periode dat het seizoen weer begint. In de NZ-summer is het, zoals je weet, wat aangenamer om te reizen en de rest van het land te verkennen. Menso vroeg nog naar je. Hij komt in september weer naar Nederland, dat wordt vast weer een feestje. Hij woont overigens niet zo ver bij je vandaan en vroeg of je een keer op de koffie kwam. Wij zijn 16 juni in Bant geweest en hebben meegelopen in het kuinderbos. Het was weer een gezellige dag waar vooral Gies zich weer heerlijk heeft uitgeleeft met zijn nichtje en neefjes. En wij van de heerlijke gastvrijheid hebben genoten. Nou meid... veel genietwerk, en plezier gewenst. groeten Oom Bert.