
23 april 2015 - Tongariro National Park, Nieuw-Zeeland

Life is full of decisions. Some decisions you are proud of and others you regret. The decision to go to New Zealand has been one of my biggest decisions and I'm so proud of myself. I'm doing this all alone, while everyone knows how shy I am. I took that decision myself and there isn't one day I regret it. There is laughter and there were a few tears,but that's the thing about growing up. You fall, you get hurt, but you always get up and go on.

Each day I spend here in NZ is a day I learn something new. I'm proud of the person I'm becoming. Because that's what this is all about: Finding myself in this beautiful country. I know who I am, but there is so much more to learn from myself.

About the job, there is not much to tell about it. It's the same song every day, nothing new. Nothing exiting enough to tell you about it ;-)

Life is too short to regret things too long. So let's move on and make some decisions!!!!

4 Reacties

  1. Eric:
    23 april 2015
    Lies wij zijn ontzettend trots op je . Dikke kus van ons
  2. Carolien:
    23 april 2015
    Helemaal met Eric eens. Je zult een heleboel ervaring rijker zijn als je terug bent. Ik keek al weer uit naar een berichtje van je.
    Liefs van mij
  3. Katja:
    23 april 2015
    You can be proud of yourself! Making it, learning it, dealing with it, enjoying it.. all because your chasing your dream! And doing it at your age is awesome and can only mean that you will be able to do it in the future to come! Awesome, hope your doing great en love your live!! And that that means a Cinderella job for now, is awesome too!! Hope your next decision will further your dream even more! Greetings sweetie!!
  4. Katja:
    23 april 2015
    Ik zie dat awesome mijn stopwoordje is voor vandaag .. awesome