Day two

13 februari 2015 - Auckland, Nieuw-Zeeland

Acording to my last story on this blog I was very tired yesterday and I' m not going to deny that.  The bed I was sleeping in made a lot of noices and Auckland isn't like Bant, my quit little Village.  People are shouting all night. This definitally is a city that never sleeps.  Ambulances, police cars,  parties..... Yeah, I slept fine....... 

I m going to have breakfast,  after that I ll check out, go to store to buy some stuff and check in at the other hostel.... 

I hate this Ipad and it isn't even an Ipad,  it's a tablet of Samsung and it doesn't understand any English. How nice is that. 


1 Reactie

  1. Saskia:
    13 februari 2015
    Kun je de instellingen niet aanpassen? Ach je hebt een jaar om dat uit te zoeken xxxxx