
21 februari 2015 - Napier, Nieuw-Zeeland

Hear the crickets, smell the sea, taste pancakes and see Art Deco

Where to begin? Of course with yesterday, because you guys are all dying to hear about the Naked Bus. With my heavy backpack I walked 2 kilometers to the harbour of Auckland. I'm not going to bother you with the sweaty details ;-)  In the harbour I waited for one hour and then I went to the bus. The bus driver, a sun tanned man with grey  hair asked me for my reservation  number. I showed him what I had on paper. But when he wanted to check me in, he couldn't find my name. So I showed him my confirmation emain. He started to laugh. "Honey," he giggled, "you booked for the 19th. It's the 20th today."  :-(   Of course, why it doesn't surprise me? I asked him what I should do, the man felt sorry for me so he said: "Ok, hop on than. I have some free seats left. Where are you from?" With a smile on my face I thanked him and answered his question. "Oh that explains it, German are much more organized," he laughed again. I didn't mind what he said, I was so happy I could go on!!! 

In Rotorua the bus stopped and no, it didn't smelled that bad actually. I hoped I had the same relaxed diver, so he could bring me to Napier, but of course I had some one else. This time it was a woman and she looked so grumpy, so I almost didn't want to ask her, but I also didn't want to stay here. So with a soft little voice I started to tell my story. Well, guess what, this lady didn't had the time to hear the whole story, she looked at me and asked with a shrill voice where I was going to. Napier. Okidoki, jump on! Oh, I'm so lucky all the time ;-) 

The Naked Bus looks like a tour bus and the drivers drive very fast! Everyone wears a seat belt and you are all allowed  to drink and eat. During the trip I enjoyed  the views,  but unfortunately I wasn't sitting next to the window, so I couldn't take any photos. Oh, and I almost forgot  to tell you.... You remember I was worried about a fat sweaty man in the aircraft?  Well, here he was! Sitting with one buttock on his seat. The other didn't fit. This time I was sitting next to the window, but I was being crushed  between the window and that man.... Don't laugh. And I survived! 

At 10 PM I arrived at Napier and I while I was walking to my backpackers I thought I was back in time. Old cars driving the street, young and old people dressed up... It looked great, but it was very crowded. Wally's Backpackers is like a student dorm. Everywhere empty  bottles of beer and whisky. And everyone was from Germany! I told them I booked a room online and they answered that website isn't working, so all the rooms were booked. Ok no problem, because I didn't liked the place that much. I walked to another hostel, Archies Bunker, but there was no vacancy there. They told me it was very brave of me to come to Napier without booking anything, so I asked them why. 

"In the third week of February Napier cohost the sensational Art Deco weekend"

So that explains why it's so crowded, why people are dressed up and driving around in old fashioned cars. The man told me that if I really didn't find another hostel he could arrange something for me, because he didn't want to to sleep on the street. I tried two more hostels, but I was so tired and my shoulders were hurting me a lot. So I went  back to Archies and told the man, there was no bed left anywhere. He felt sorry for me and he would give me a bed. After 15 minutes I got a bed in a room with eight other people. Ok folks, hold on tight. Because it were eight young men!!!! And OMG! I thought I was messy,  but these men, these boys.... Empty coca cola cans, dirty underwear, smelly T-shirts, tabacco and money on the ground... When the boys came into their room and saw me, their faces turned into red tomatoes and they appologized for their mess. After a shower I slept like a rose. 

But I only had that bed for one night only, so at 10 AM I walked further to a YHA hostel, from the same company of the hostel I slept in Auckland. A blond lady told me she had one bed left for me, but she needed to see my ID card. When I showed her, her mood changed. She was so happy, because her name was Lisa and her best friends name was Justina! Lisa gave me a key and I left my backpack in my new room. Than I walked to this lovely small restaurant where I had breakfast, I think I deserved that. A cold mocha iced coffee and warm pancakes with fresh fruit and cream. After breakfast I went to the beach where little airplanes preformed a show. 

Now I'm so sleepy, but I want to look if there is a job some where here in Napier. 

Have a lovely day or night.  



4 Reacties

  1. Carolien:
    21 februari 2015
    Zo dat is weer een echt Lisa verhaal, top!
    Ik geniet er van.
  2. Katja:
    21 februari 2015
    Hahahaha.... Lucky Lisa!! Awesome story again! Watch it, or we expect this every day, I hope so ...
  3. Corine:
    21 februari 2015
    Keep it up! Wonderful stories Love to read what your life is like these days!
    Xxx mama
  4. Tom Post:
    22 februari 2015
    So you didn't see any of the art deco yet, are you planning to? You were lucky with the bus ticket regarding the wrong date. It seems the Kiwi's treat you nicely ;-)
    Funny incident with the same names. What would have happened if your name was Geertruida?
    Have fun. X