18 juli 2015 - Paihia, Nieuw-Zeeland

Fun fact to know about Paihia. The Maori name for "good" is "pai". When the British arrived at this place they obviously fell in love with it. So they said it's Pai here. Meaning: It's good here. Say this faster and you'll understand why this place is called Paihia :-)

And what woke me up this morning? The sun! No, not today. This morning and the whole night my roommates and I were kept awake because of a very annoying family that was partying all night long. It all started yesterday. The New Zealand rugby team was playing against Argentina. As most of you know Nz is very proud of their rugby team the "All Blacks". The All Blacks are world famous for performing the Maori war dance "The Haka" before the game starts. With thus dance they certainly scare the "enemies" off. Making big eyes, showing their muscles and sticking out their tongues. The kids in New Zealand get Haka lessons, so (almost) every kiwi knows this war dance. The people who stayed in the rooms above us were watching the game. Nothing wrong with that of course, the tv wasn't too loud but then it happened... The game almost started and it was time for the NZ rugby players to perform the Haka. The people upstairs decided to join. Stamping on the floor, screaming the words, caveman growling. Finally it ended. I had to work and came back at 11 pm. Sleepy as I was, I put my pajamas on and got in bed. Julia was already laying there and Josephine was working at the bar. After an hour the noise started again. They were drinking, throwing with stuff, slamming the doors and the kids were playing hide and seek. Eventually we both fell asleep. But they partied the whole night. And around 7 the younger kids decided to play catch and run or something like that. Running down the stairs, running up again. Thanks a lot.

The weather wasn't as good as yesterday, the day started with a little bit rain and when I went for a walk it was windy. While I was walking towards the beach I saw a long man walking the my direction. His shoulder long hair was blowing in his face because of the wind. But I recognized his walking.
"you're kidding!" I laughed. "what are you doing here?" It was Dario. Yes the Argentinian guy from National Park. He explained he arrived here yesterday, looking for a job. So weird though, he traveled all the way here, knowing that there was a possibility he would see me.
We said our goodbyes and I walked further to the beach. The only thing I could think of was: OMG, that guy.... I saw him and his pajamas and yes, he saw me in mine... Such a nice thought, I wonder if there was anyone who read my mind. That would have been hilarious. Not for me, but for that mind reading freak. Oh, sometimes I'd love to have the ability to read minds. Not all the time. Oh no, I don't need to know what that drunk old man is thinking about when he takes another look at one of the dancing girls. But sometimes I'd like to know. I guess you are thinking about.... Mind reading now! Oh, I'm a professional.

So yeah, after seeing Dario I sat on the beach, but not too long. It was freezing, after another coastal walk I went back to the room, drank some tea. Dinner was penne pasta with baby spinach and feta cheese. No dessert for a traveler like me.
Eight minutes, than I have to go to work. Two hours, than it's bedtime for me. I'm sleepy, didn't had much sleep last night.

Thanks for all the lovely comments! Appreciate it! Miss you (but not enough to take the first plane back to little froggyland)!
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