The Big Day

12 februari 2015 - Taipei, Taiwan

Hello everyone,

I'm at the airport now. Nervous, exited, happy and even a little bit sad. Before I went through the passport control I said goodbye to my sweet family. My mom, fathers, little brothers, little sister, aunt, uncle, grandmother and grandfather. I'll miss them very very much,  button they don't have to worry about me,  I Will be fine.  

 I'm going to the gate now..... 

In the plane I wasn't sitting next to a sweaty fat man. Yes,  it was a man, but not fat.  Maybe sweaty, but I didn't checked that :-) ..... Eleven hours...... But no talking.... So silly.... 

Well,  to everyone who knows me this next story isn't surprising.  I was sitting in the plane,  looking how long it will last.... Than I saw the city Bangkok, standing on my screen.  I looked and looked and than I came to the following conclusion: this plane wasn't going to Taipei,  but to Bangkok!!! Everyone who now thinks I took the wrong plane,  don't worry. It was just a little stop to transfer.... But I have to admit; I was a little afraid myself. I thought I took the wrong plane ;-) 

The flight from Bangkok to Taipei was very relaxing.  I had two chairs for myself,  so still no fat sweaty man.... 

Now I'm in Taipei, in Taiwan. Already waiting for over 9 hours.... I al ready finished my book.... Just waiting for two more hours and then I can go to the gate.  I found out that I' m also going to Australia, where I have to transfer again. Well,  it's definitally an adventure!!!!! 

In two days I traveled aan long way.... from Amsterdam to Bangkok to Taipei to some place that starts with Bris etc. and is in Australia. 

Wish me luck!


6 Reacties

  1. Tom Post:
    11 februari 2015
    Hi sweety,
    Of course you are a bit sad now, but it will be better soon and then you can really enjoy this big journey of yours;-)
    Good luck, good fun, enjoy life and.....keep posting!
    Much love and hope you're flight was ok.
  2. Carolien:
    12 februari 2015
    Ik wens je zeker nog veel geluk bij je vervolgreis. We houden je in de gaten overal waar je naar toe gaat. Wie weet wat je nu naast je krijgt!
    Liefs van mij
  3. Elke:
    12 februari 2015
    Brisbane schatje ;-)
    Succes de komende uren. Je bent over de helft van de reis naar je bestemming.
    Xxx El
  4. Corine:
    12 februari 2015
    I'm so proud that you are my daughter! The goodbye was a bit hard for me, but I know you just be fine!!! ( you're just like me )
    When I discovered that your plane would first stop in Thailand I could image how your face would look like when you heared in the plane the wrong destination-name. Hahaha. But you made it, you are in Taiwan now!
    Hope you have a good and save journey to Brisbane/ Australia and than Auckland/ New-Zealand
    Love you x
  5. Tom Post:
    12 februari 2015
    Almost there;-)
    Lol, would have loved to see your face when you saw destination Bangkok;-)
    Good luck, half way there.
  6. Eric:
    13 februari 2015
    Hi lisa the ticket was worth his money, but finally you come tonight in auckland to, great girl